How to Soundproof a Bedroom From Inside Noise: 5 Effective Tricks

How to Soundproof a Bedroom from Inside Noise: If you want to enjoy a peaceful and quiet sleep in your bedroom, you may need to soundproof it from the inside noise. Interior noise can come from numerous assets, which include your associates, housemates, pets, home equipment, or traffic.

Fortunately some easy and less expensive DIY solutions can help you lessen the noise and create a more relaxed environment. Here are some of the best ways to soundproof your bedroom from inside noise.

How to soundproof a bedroom from inside noise

  1. Seal the gaps around the door and window frames
  2. Hang soundproof curtains or blankets on your wall
  3. Install acoustic panels or foam on your wall
  4. Rearrange your furniture against the wall
  5. Rearrange the Room
How to Soundproof a Bedroom From Inside Noise

1. Seal the gaps around the door and window frames

One of the main ways that noise enters your bedroom is through the gaps around the door and window frames. These gaps allow sound waves to travel through the air and reach your ears. To block them, you can use acoustic caulk and weatherstripping to fill in any holes or cracks.

Acoustic caulk is a special type of sealant that is designed to absorb sound and prevent it from passing through. Weatherstripping is a strip of rubber or foam that you can stick around the edges of the door or window to create a tight seal. You can find both products at your local hardware store or online.

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To apply acoustic caulk, you will need a caulk gun and a utility knife. Cut off the tip of the caulk tube and insert it into the gun. Squeeze the trigger and apply a thin bead of caulk along the gap. Smooth out the caulk with your finger or a wet cloth. [How to Soundproof a Bedroom From Inside Noise]

To apply weatherstripping, you will need scissors and a tape measure. Cut the weatherstripping to fit the length of the door or window frame. Peel off the backing and press the adhesive side firmly onto the surface.

2. Hang soundproof curtains or blankets on your wall

Another way to reduce the noise in your bedroom is to hang soundproof curtains or blankets on your wall. Soundproof curtains are thick and heavy fabrics that have sound-absorbing materials built into them. They can block out most of the outside noise and also improve the insulation and privacy of your room.

Soundproof blankets are similar to regular blankets, but they are denser and have more layers of fabric. They can also help muffle the sound and create a cozy atmosphere. To hang soundproof curtains or blankets on your wall, you will need a curtain rod, brackets, screws, a drill, a level, and a stud finder. First, use the stud finder to locate the studs on your wall.

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Mark their position with a pencil. Then, use the level to make sure that the curtain rod is straight and aligned with the window. Mark where you want to attach the brackets with a pencil. Drill holes on the marks and screw in the brackets. Slide the curtain rod through the curtains or blankets and hang it on the brackets. [How to Soundproof a Bedroom From Inside Noise]

3. Install acoustic panels or foam on your wall

If you want to further enhance the soundproofing of your bedroom, you can install acoustic panels or foam on your wall. Acoustic panels are rectangular pieces of wood or metal that are covered with fabric or foam. They can absorb sound waves and prevent them from bouncing off your wall.

Acoustic foam is similar to acoustic panels, but it is softer and more flexible. It can also trap sound waves and reduce echoes in your room. To install acoustic panels or foam on your wall, you will need adhesive strips, nails, a hammer, a tape measure, and a pencil.

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First, measure your wall and decide how many panels or foam pieces you need and where you want to place them. Mark their position with a pencil. Then, peel off the backing of the adhesive strips and stick them on the back of each panel or foam piece. Press them firmly onto the wall according to your marks. You can also use nails to secure them if needed.

4. Rearrange your furniture against the wall

A simple and cost-effective way to soundproof your bedroom is to rearrange your furniture against the wall. Large pieces of furniture such as dressers, bookcases, or desks can act as natural sound barriers that absorb some of the noise coming from outside. By placing them against the noisiest walls you can create an extra layer of protection for your ears. [How to Soundproof a Bedroom From Inside Noise]

To rearrange your furniture against the wall, you will need some help from another person or a furniture dolly. First, clear some space in your room by moving any small items or accessories out of the way. Then, lift or slide each piece of furniture carefully towards the wall that faces outside or shares with another room. Make sure that there is no gap between the furniture and the wall.

3. Rearrange the Room

There is no need to spend much for soundproofing. Here are some more solutions that can help you reduce bedroom noise without a big expense.

  • Rugs and Curtains: You can absorb noise by using tired carpets and thick curtains in your bedroom. These are simple and budget-friendly solutions in sound engineering.
  • Moving Furniture: Sometimes, noise can be reduced by rearranging furniture into the correct location. If your closet or dresser is near a noisy outside wall, it can help absorb the sound.
  • Soft Furniture: Using soft furniture in your bedroom can also reduce noise. It can help absorb sound and make the room more soundproof.
  • Sound protection equipment: You can use useful devices to protect against sound, such as sound absorbers or sound control panels. These can be available in small budgets and can make the bedroom more serene. [How to Soundproof a Bedroom From Inside Noise]

How to soundproof a room? Reminder on soundproofing

Sound can travel everywhere, but as soon as it is unpleasant or disturbing, it becomes a nuisance. The installation of an m1 fireproof curtain, for example, constitutes an effective 2-in-1 solution to combat this nuisance.

Soundproofing refers to a process implemented to reduce these unwanted sounds coming from different sourcesIn addition, noise pollution is very high in cities today, which makes soundproofing solutions even more in demand, especially in old buildings, whose walls do not benefit from good insulation.

Soundproofing is used to suppress indirect noise sound waves that cause resonances and echoes, causing reverberation. Therefore, the type of soundproofing chosen should depend on the type of sound to be suppressed. In all cases, it involves using accessories that absorb noise, such as a sound curtain to be ordered from an interior blind specialist. [How to Soundproof a Bedroom From Inside Noise]


How much does it cost to soundproof a bedroom from inside noise?

The fee of soundproofing a bedroom from inside noise depends on the scale of your room the substances you use and the volume of the noise trouble. However you can expect to spend anywhere from $50 to $500 for some of the DIY solutions referred to in this newsletter which include acoustic caulk weatherstripping, soundproof curtains blankets panels or foam.

How long does it take to soundproof a bedroom from inside noise?

The time it takes to soundproof a bedroom from inside noise varies depending on the method you choose and your skill level. However, most of the DIY solutions in this article can be done in a few hours or less, as they do not require any major construction or renovation.

How effective are these methods to soundproof a bedroom from inside noise?

These methods can significantly reduce the noise level in your bedroom and make it more comfortable and quiet. However, they may not completely block out all the noise, especially if it is very loud or low-frequency. For more professional and permanent results, you may need to consult a soundproofing expert or contractor who can install more advanced solutions, such as solid wood doors, double-paned acoustic windows, or soundproof insulation.


How Soundproofing your bedroom from inside noise can make a big difference in your quality of life. By following these simple steps, you can create a more peaceful and relaxing environment for yourself and enjoy better sleep every night.

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